Microsoft Color Palette
Official Microsoft colors
The official Microsoft colors are Orange Red ,Green , Blue ,Yellow ,and Gray. We recommend using the Microsoft color palette
for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB,
CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below.visit this page for more tech brands color codes
Microsoft logo
Microsoft Hex, RGB , CMYK and Pantone Color Codes
Orange Red
Hex |
#F25022 |
Rgb |
242 80 34 |
Cmyk |
0 73 87 0 |
Pantone |
PMS 172 C |
Hex |
#7FBA00 |
Rgb |
127 186 0 |
Cmyk |
54 0 100 0 |
Pantone |
PMS 376 C |
Hex |
#00A4EF |
Rgb |
0 164 239 |
Cmyk |
82 11 0 0 |
Pantone |
PMS 2191 C |
Hex |
#FFB900 |
Rgb |
255 185 0 |
Cmyk |
0 22 100 2 |
Pantone |
PMS 7549 C |
Hex |
#737373 |
Rgb |
115 115 115 |
Cmyk |
30 20 19 58 |
Pantone |
PMS 424 C |