Google Color Palette
Official Google colors
The official Google colors are Blue , Red ,Yellow ,and Green. We recommend using the Google color palette
for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB,
CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below.visit this page for more tech brands color codes
Google logo
Google Hex, RGB , CMYK and Pantone Color Codes
Hex |
#4285F4 |
Rgb |
66 133 244 |
Cmyk |
88 50 0 0 |
Pantone |
PMS 660 C |
Hex |
#DB4437 |
Rgb |
219 68 55 |
Cmyk |
0 78 85 12 |
Pantone |
PMS 7619 C |
Hex |
#F4B400 |
Rgb |
244 180 0 |
Cmyk |
0 20 90 0 |
Pantone |
PMS 123 C |
Hex |
#0F9D58 |
Rgb |
15 157 88 |
Cmyk |
82 0 67 11 |
Pantone |
PMS 7724 C |